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A. Jesus willingly seized in the garden (18:1-11)

1. Judas led soldiers and officers to well-known garden.

2. Jesus acknowledges, “I Am He” – captors fall to ground in astonishment.

3. Jesus rebukes Peter for cutting off right ear of Malchus in defense of Jesus- He must drink the cup.

B. Jesus questioned in presence of Annas and then Caiaphas (18:12-27)

            1. Peter denies the Lord three times (18:15-18, 25-27)

C. Jesus brought before Pilate for final sentencing (18:28-19:16)

1. Jesus confesses that He is king – kingdom not of this world

2. Pilate sees no fault worthy of death in Him-but delivers Him up anyway.

D. Jesus crucified on Golgotha (19:17-37)

1. Soldiers part Jesus’ garment and cast lots for Jesus’ coat.

2. Jesus charges John to look after His mother.

3. Jesus thirsts – it is finished- gives up His spirit.

4. Jesus, already dead, is pierced in His side with a spear – bones not broken.

E. Jesus’ body prepared for burial by Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus, and then placed in tomb (19:38-42)


1. Where is the brook Kidron located?

2. Did Judas and the Jews come prepared for a struggle in seizing Jesus?

3. What happened when Jesus said that He was Jesus of Nazareth?

4. Why was Peter admonished for using his sword?

5. What is “the cup” in 18:11?

6. Did any of the disciples enter the court when Jesus was taken before Annas?

7. Why did Jesus feel He did not have to answer about His teaching and disciples?

8. Did Jesus “turn the other cheek” when struck?

9. To whom was Jesus led after appearing before Annas?

10. Did Peter deny the Lord before just three people?

11. What was the Praetorium?

12. Did Jesus claim to be king?

13. Why did He question Pilate’s meaning of kingship?

14. Why did Pilate want to release Jesus in observance of the Passover?  

15. Why did the chief priests and others say Jesus should die?


16. What did the soldiers do to Jesus?

17. From what source did Jesus claim Pilate’s power came?

18. What time was Jesus delivered up to be crucified?  

19. Does Calvary and Golgotha mean the same?

20. What inscription did Pilate write on the cross?

21. In what language was it written?

22. What Old Testament Scripture was fulfilled when Jesus was on the cross?

23. Whom did Jesus charge to take care of His mother?

24. Why did the Jews want the bodies removed quickly from the cross?

25. What two men came to prepare Jesus’ body for burial?

26. Why would the place Jesus’s body was buried be strong evidence for His resurrection?